Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Start Your Summer Ministry Off Right!

Summer ministry can and should be a strategic time of relational disciplemaking.

You and the volunteers and key students who serve in ministry with you need encouragement and equipping to make the most of this summer for the Kingdom of God.

Here's how you can start your summer ministry 2017 off right...

When and Where?
Saturday, June 10, 2017
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Doors will open at CrossPoint in Eureka at 8 AM.
Note: I encourage you to seriously consider doing a light working lunch together from 12:30-1:30 PM in your respective churches and ministries—and using that time for processing and applying as a group. The training manual will help you walk your group through a process of applying what you learned to your various ministry. This is super strategic on so many levels and makes walking away from the training without applying it very challenging. The lunch food can be something as simple as having sub sandwiches and chips ready at the church by 12:30 PM that day—or going out to a place where you can eat a light lunch and process together. If you go with the working lunch (which I hope you do), please let your people know that you’ll be providing lunch. People love to attend stuff like this when they get to eat for free. That might just be me : )

Cadre’s Ministry Is Relationships training experience. Complete details on the content of the training here. Please feel free to take what is at the link and use it as promo. Here's a WORD doc that you can tweak the details on and then use as a bulletin stuffer. Get the WORD out ASAP!

Anyone junior high through senior citizen. It’s even better if you get people who volunteer in ministries together to experience the training with each other… i.e., youth ministry, children’s ministry, women’s ministry, Sunday school teachers, small group leaders, elders, worship team, etc. These volunteers can experience and process the training for their lives AND ministry this way.

$15 per person for training materials.
Note: We're asking each ministry that attends to prayerfully consider a love offering of any size for Cadre Missionaries. This is NOT required in any way shape or form. 

Please RSVP ASAP and get your numbers to Bill no later than Thursday, June 8th.

Can't wait.

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