Friday, April 5, 2013

Reminder: Friday, April 19th Collab

We had a crazy time of havering and kavanah at our last PALCO lunch. Whoever said, "There's no such thing as a free lunch" is a liar. John, the owner of Pizza Ranch (pictured below), blessed everyone of the PALCO guys with a FREE lunch baby!  Thank you Jesus and thank you John.
Friday, April 19, 2013 Collab
* Collab is short for collaboration. Someone once defined collaboration as cooperation on steroids. This gathering will be a PALCO disciplemaking think tank where we'll each share...
—what we're learning about D3 disciplemaking at home, work, and ministry
—where our D3 disciplemaking is stuck and how to get unstuck
—stories of three generational disciplemaking
Please prepare a short list of your learnings, sticking points, and successes and bring it with you.
* 9 am to 1 pm
* Contact Bill if you'd like to host this gathering
* For PALC alumni only (NOT open to guests this time)
* While there is no tuition for this gathering, you should plan on going out to lunch together.
* Very Important: Please RSVP with Bill by Friday, April 12th

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