Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Becoming the Youth Leader Jesus Wants YOU to Be

Planning, programming, and organizing are essential components of a great ministry. But God made you for more. Way more. Good news: You can become the youth leader Jesus wants you to be.

Together, we'll explore...
* How walking closely with Jesus overflows into your friendships
* What a Jesus-like disciplemaking way of life looks like for students and leaders
* Why discipleship is good but disciplemaking is better
* Why relationships matter in disciplemaking
* How to be a disciple who makes disciples who make more disciples
Bring your Bible.

Saturday, April 27th, 8:15 AM to 12 noon


All vocational and volunteer youth leaders.

$20 per person
(Each person gets a continental breakfast goodies, coffee, and a ten session take home disciplemaking training resource for continued growth and team training.)

To register, contact youth pastor Bill White.

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