Tuesday, February 11, 2020

PALCO Road Trip to the Great Land of Streator, IL

There’s a lot of talk about disciplemaking these days. But what does disciplemaking really look like for you in your everyday, real life? That's what we'll explore together. Bring your Bible, some friends, and your sense of humor.

With a focus on Jesus, we'll explore how to be a disciple—who makes disciples—who make more disciples—like this: (TW + K4) x D3

Session 1 Be a Disciple (D1)
Everything in life will try to pull you off the simplicity of following Jesus together with others.

Session 2 Who Makes Disciples (D2)
Following Jesus isn’t a subject to be mastered, but an infectious way of life that is lived together and shared with others.

Session 3 Who Make More Disciples (D3)
If those we disciple don’t make more disciples, then we haven’t made disciples like Jesus.

Saturday morning, March 7, 2020
8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
* I'll be glad to take the first several people in the car with me! If we have more than several, I'll take my van!
* Perhaps we can see if Holy Oly is available for lunch?
* Bring volunteers and key students from your ministry with you—use this training experience to get disciplemaking momentum in your ministry.

New Beginnings Baptist Church
204 S. Monroe St.
Streator, IL 61364

For anyone interested in learning how to be a disciple of Jesus who makes more disciples of Jesus. You are encouraged to bring your spouse, teenagers, staff, ministry leaders, volunteers, student leaders, etc.

$20 per person for training materials.
Each person will receive a Disciplemaker's Living Guide AND The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus book for living and sharing what you learn with others.


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