Tuesday, December 31, 2019

For YOU and those who serve with you...

Your Most Important Job as a Ministry Leader

At this training experience, we'll explore...
* Why we get stuck and how we can get unstuck
* Where all real leadership must start
* The best thing you can do for the ministry you serve
* Jesus' simple but clear and profound priorities
* What it looks like to follow Jesus together
* A strategic plan for growing, ministering, and leading

* All volunteer and vocational ministry leaders
* Any Christian who wants to grow and serve

Saturday, January 11, 2020, 9 AM to 11:30 AM

The Christian Center
4100 N. Brandywine Dr
Peoria, IL 61614

$15 per person for training materials
(or whatever you can afford—even if it's nothing)
Bonus: Each person leaves this training experience with ten practical equipping sessions to help others grow, minister, and lead.

Let me know how many will be coming. Email me.

If you're bringing others with you, you may want to consider having lunch together to process and apply what was learned at the training experience.

Note: This training experience will be facilitated by Bill Allison of CadreMissionaries.com.

FREE for Cup O' Joe with Bill Subscribers Only!
If you're a subscriber to this blog, I would like to give you a fun 30-minute audio training session for FREE. You'll explore...
* Why the first person you must learn to lead is you
* The heart of a disciple
* Three attitudes of a disciplemaking leader
* Four action steps for living and leading well and lots more

All you have to do email me.
Once I confirm your subscription, I'll email you a link to the free audio.

If you're NOT a subscriber, you can be.
Two Simple Steps...
1. Go here and submit your email.
2. Check your email to confirm.

Then email me.

The deadline for this FREE audio offer is January 8, 2020.

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