Sunday, March 18, 2018

Peoria Area Leadership ONGOING: We are encouraged and equipped!

So much fun at our Peoria Area Leadership Community Ongoing (PALCO) gathering last Thursday, March 15, 2018.

Click any image to enlarge for viewing.

 Some came all the way from Galesburg.

We explored how Jesus, disciplemaking and servanthood are the essence of what it means to be a leader. Whoever initiates time together and Kavanah IS the leader. Such a great time of havering.

I have a seat or two left for a ministry trip on Saturday, April 28th. If you're interesting in taking a ride with me and a friend or two to Clinton, IA, please contact me ASAP. If after experiencing this training, you'd like to take it back to your church/ministry, we can make that happen too.

PALCO: Where disciplemaking friends gather to live out Romans 1:12.

Our disciplemaking friend, Derrick Smothers of E3 Connection in Nevada shared his story of ministry burnout and how God has restored him. If you missed this and you need encouragement, go here.

Thank you God for disciplemaking friends and the encouragement and equipping that comes from the Holy Spirit via those friends.

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