Friday, October 28, 2011

November PALC Ongoing Gathering

From My Heart to Yours: There will be no "tuition" for this November's PALCO. Make no mistake about it: PALCO is not primarily about getting resources nor is it merely a hot topics discussion group. PALCO is first and foremost a COMMUNITY of aspiring Jesus-like disciplemakers (read: relationships). Now, those who would like to cheerfully donate $50 out of a heart of generosity may still do so. It would be a huge help and blessing to my family and Cadre Ministries. However, those who are not so inclined have complete freedom not to donate. No questions will be asked. My work of preparing for each PALCO, bringing you encouragement and training, and facilitating this community of aspiring Jesus-like disciplemakers is my labor of love that I freely give to God and you… and transcends anything financial. That's from my heart to yours. Never any pressure… always an invitation.

Our next PALCO is Tuesday, November 29, 2011, from 9 AM to 4 PM.

We are going to wrestle/haver the specifics of this BIG question: What does a 1st century Jesus-like disciplemaking way of life look like for YOU today.

Your Prep?
Here's the ONLY thing you need to do before 11/29/11:
* Create your own lists on pages 3-4 of the download.
* Bring your completed lists with you on 11/29/11.
* Don't wait until 11/28/11 to do this.

What should you bring with you?
* Your Bible, pen, notebook.
* Your four-page handout with the lists you created on pages 3-4.
* Your DIR training manual.
* Your calendar.
* Your Merged Gospels.

Bring your lunch with you. Doug Rumbold is taking care of the coffee, cups, half-and-half, and sugar. ???? (still need someone to bring this) has got the healthy stuff covered.  Dan Wolfe is brining sugary goodies to munch.


Suggested Donation?
$50 per person
* To donate securely online, GO HERE.
* To donate via check, download invoice here.

NOTE: This full day together is for alumni of the Peoria Area Leadership Community only. Questions? Contact Bill Allison.

And now, a great moment in PALCO lunch history…


Pheaney said...

It's in writing now Bill! You can't squirm out of answering the question this time!

Bill Allison said...

I have been sentenced by my sentences. : )