Saturday, August 15, 2009

If current leadership wisdom is working for you, DON'T READ THIS!

This is one of the best leadership articles I've read. Warning: This article contradicts much of the leadership "wisdom" currently circulating in books, articles, and conferences. Those who don't like people messing with their heads should turn back now. You have been warned!

Becoming a Leader of No Reputation
by R. Scott Rodin

[Note: R. Scott Rodin is the former president of Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.]

I have been asked to reflect on my five years in the presidency at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and to do so honestly, I need to begin with a confession. I was wrong. That is the most accurate statement I could make in summing up my experience in this position. Mind you, I was not wrong about everything. In fact, I believe we were quite right and accurate about a lot of things we attempted and accomplished during my tenure. I could make the usual list of ‘legacy’items that we former presidents do in justifying our term in office. There is much to be thankful for, many moments to treasure and certainly a legacy that I trust will make a difference to generations of students and faculty at our seminary.

Yet at the very heart of my reflection on my service lies this one major conclusion… I was wrong. I was wrong in my understanding and preconceived notions of leadership in Christian ministry. I was wrong in my expectations of others and myself. And I was wrong in my motivations, which may be the hardest thing to admit.

To continue reading the rest of go here.

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