Friday, December 12, 2008

DDP Help

PALC People...

Attaching a sample of ONE of my big picture descriptors from my very own DDP... notice the descriptor and the Scripture.

For Tuesday, I want you to bring 5-7 big picture descriptors—each with corresponding Scriptures. Yes... I know this will stretch you and make you think hard... my point exactly. Generalities are the sign of a lazy mind. Specific is terrific. This exercise of choosing 5-7 big picture descriptors is like peeling the onion of discipleship... down to the very core of YOUR understanding of discipleship... and that's precisely where I want to go with you. (Think about the ramifications of NOT having a clear and biblical idea of what a REAL disciple is!)

Oh yeah... how goes that study of Song of Solomon?

I'm quite fond of you all...


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