Saturday, November 1, 2008

Party with the PALC

Click image to enlarge picture.What was your favorite part of the PALC party?


Kyle O'Hagan said...

Just one favorite part? That would be hard. I would have to say the noise. Kids playing (and screaming). Adults laughing. Bellies filling (and filling and filling, and bladders too, I went at least 3 times during the night). PALC wives connecting. True Christian Community. Loved it. And when I got home I earned back the hour drive home we had. You can't beat that. Thanks guys. Steve and Paul, we totally missed you guys. Wasn't quite the same.

Pheaney said...

the Santa Claus stories that got exchanged were awesome.

Dan L said...

3 times Kyle? I never went. I thought I was older than you. I know that BA is older than me.