Sunday, November 9, 2008

Ephesians 4:11-12 Training

Today I did the first part of the Training Dialogue with our Church's Ministry Community ( our non-paid staff). We had some great dialogue around the scripture, why church's and leaders don't talk about training, and where we are in regards to it. It went really great......until the end. A few of the leaders pushed back. Why do we have all these assignments? I've try'd to train and no body show'd up. We don't have time to train our volunteers. Why don't we do ministry community the way that it was.

Why they do have the right to voice there opions. It was sad. They did some of the things that they just talked about other leaders doing. I was really frustrated. Yet at the same time really encouraged. I saw other leaders really connecting with the dialogue. I will continue to do what is on my heart and what I'm passionate for. I did listen to what they had to say. I understand some of their concerns. Yet at the same time realized how hard it is to create a training mentality with in a church that doesn't already have one.

Looking forward to meeting with you guys in 10 days.



Pheaney said...

Changing the mentality of people (and an organization) can only be described as TOUGH! Good work at starting!

I'm still trying to decide where to do my Eph 4 training.

Bill Allison said...

God bless you Kyle for flying into the eye of the hurricane! Now that is indeed ministry training! I know this whole push back wasn't logical... and that's important to keep in mind. The root problem is hiding in the bushes. What do you think it is?

You are sooooooo right. You're trying to create a conversation about what an Ephesians 4:11-12 approach to life and ministry look like for them and your church... and a few of them modeling WHY you need to actually dialogue (not monologue) about it.

But take heart in the those who received the training and will act on it. Go with those who want to go. Encourage them. Equip them. Love them.

And love the others... but don't budge from Bible based approach to training and ministry. Did I mention that Jesus got some "push backs" from people?

You are my Ephesians 4:11-12 hero today... and let's be sure to process this at PALC.

steve pichaske said...

I just tried to post a comment. It was elegant, moving, inspirational, perhaps even worthy of publishing...

But it seems to have disappeared into cyber space.

Kyle O'Hagan said...

Thanks for the support guys. After reading some more in Leadershift, I'm wondering where the joy is in my job. Not sure that I have much these days. So what does that mean?

Steve, welcome to the PALC blog, this is awesome to see you on here. I also noticed that Dan has commented too. 2 more guys to go and we all will be connected in cyberspace/blogosphere.