Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Report: Email from Hell CD

Just back from Green Bay, WI, where spent the weekend training students and youth leaders in the E Free Churches at their district student conference. I had three breakout training sessions—two with students and adult youth leaders and one with adult youth leaders only.

Here's why I'm posting: I used the brand new Audio Email from Hell dramatic readings in all three groups... and I was really encouraged by how they worked so well. Since I gave each of you one of these Audio Email from Hell disks at our last PALC... and I'm expecting you to use it and report back in January, I thought I tell you how I used it (you are not limited to doing what I did... just want to tell you how I used it with students... and you can decide how you want to give it a whirl).

The three breakouts I did were:

Loving People Inside Your Youth Ministry
Don't Entertain Students—Train Them
Loving People Outside Your Youth Ministry

Since I have access to all ten of the Audio Email from Hell episodes, I chose an episode for each of the workshops I was doing.

* For Loving People Inside Your Youth Ministry, I chose the Audio Email from Hell on BUSYNESS (theme of the audio: the enemy wants to keep us so busy that we don't have time for our three most important relationships in life).

* For the adult youth leader workshop, Don't Entertain Students—Train Them, I used the Audio Email from Hell on YOUTH WORKERS (theme: how to use Christian students to discourage the adult youth leaders to the point where the adults quit).

* For the Loving People Outside Your Youth Ministry, I chose the Audio Email from Hell on SCHOOL: GET THEM TO WASTE IT (theme: Christian students are the most strategic missionaries because they rub shoulders with more unsaved people every day at school... therefore... demons must get them to waste that opportunity... and the audio offers very specific ways demons try to get Christian kids to waste school)

Before I went to Green Bay, I printed out the PDF handout that is on each Audio Email from Hell CD... made enough copies and stapled them.

Then at the training workshop, I gave every person a handout. I explained that what they were about to hear wasn't an actual demon speaking... but what one demon might say to another demon about how to keep Christian students from being effective in their walk with Christ. Then I played the dramatic reading portion of the audio (I skipped the audio intro... but you might find that helpful the first time you use the audio as it sets the context of the dramatic reading). Each of the dramatic readings (the part where the demon is coaching other demons) is about 10-12 minutes long.

I was shocked how ENGAGED students were during the reading... as they followed along by reading the handout. When it came time to turn the page, EVERYONE turned the page.... they were totally tracking with the audio. At the end of the dramatic reading, I gave students about 20-25 minutes to work through the Bible study/application questions in small groups (Bibles were open and lots of great dialogue all over the room). Then I did large group discussion... using the questions they just grappled with on the handout.

I'm certainly not saying these CDs with audio/handouts are the best thing since the invention of sliced bread... but I am saying that two different rooms full of over 100 teenagers (each time) stayed focused and engaged... an interacted meaningfully with God, the Bible, each other, and me.

FYI... for a complete listing of our Audio Email from Hell CDs, GO HERE.

Can't wait to hear how using this shakes out for you... at our next PALC.

Wanting to do whatever I can to make YOU wildly successful in your God-given calling.